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  • Autumn Wine
    $9.00 Autumn Wine
     (Vincent Christopherson 03) BB, 25", M & RE S. and style arms wine red; F. darker velvety wine red, lighter wine red rim; beards mustard, short upturned white horn. Rock Star X FP2: (Sky Hooks x Momentum)Begins...

  • Beetlejuice
    $6.00 Beetlejuice
    (Paul Black 13) MDB, 7.5 (19 cm), E-M & RE S. pale buff-pink, mid red-violet plicata stitched edge, random dotting over center, dark purple-black midrib; style arms red-grape crest and midrib, light rose edge; F...

  • Black Olive
    $6.00 Black Olive
    (Paul Black 13)  MDB, 7.5 (19 cm), L & RE S. bronze-dark-purple, purple-black midrib and textured veins; style arms mid blue-purple crests and midribs, rose-silver edge; F. red-black, hafts slightly lighter, veined...

  • Bless You
    $6.00 Bless You
    (Megan Shadlow 2104)  IB, M03-14a  Standards pink with mauve stippling, style arms orange blended to mauve on the underside. F. wide band of mauve with plicata stippling, white at center with an orange pink ground,...

  • Cold Hands Warm Heart
    $6.00 Cold Hands Warm Heart
    (Mary Lou Swann-Young, 2017) Sdlg. 10-508 ARE BMXFB. IB, 18"-20" (46-51 cm), E-L & RES. white; style arms same, base yellow; F. white, light yellow at hafts; beards tangerine, outer half medium blue. Bonus Mama X...

  • Forever Orange
    $7.00 Forever Orange
    (Richard Tasco, 2018) Sdlg. 13-SDB-03-37-RE, SDB, 15" (38 cm), M & RE. S. nasturtium orange (RHS 25D), slightly lighter than falls; style arms cream, aureolin yellow (12A) edge, crests, and rim; F. nasturtium orange;...

  • Get Inked
    $10.00 Get Inked
    (Robin Shadlow 2022) SDB EM, 10” Sdlg #349M15B1 Velvety black self, black beards, black cherry at the ends, 3-5 buds. Dark Matter x Little Stitches Intense saturation of colors added to plush texture will grab your...

  • Group Hug
    $9.00 Group Hug
    (Keith Keppel, 2021) Sdlg. 15-167A. IB, 24" (61 cm), MS. dark prune purple, small very faint white shaded area near base; style arm crests perilla purple to prune; F. white, ¼˝ solid dark prune purple band, few dots...

  • Keep Going
    $9.00 Keep Going
    (Paul Black, 2017) Sdlg. U75AR. BB, 26" (66 cm), E-M & RE. S. white, tinted pale lilac on edge; style arms white; F. white around beards, veined light red-violet blending to washed light red-violet to dark red-purple...

  • Little Faun
    $18.00 Little Faun
    (Robin Shadlow 2024) Sdlg 347M15A, SDB, 11" (28 cm) E.  S. burgundy, slight white ground; style arms burgundy-violet; F. dark burgundy plicata edge, white ground, some burgundy stippling in ground; beards red-orange...

  • Little Stitches
    $6.00 Little Stitches
    (Robin Shadlow 2016) SDB  12"  M & RE  sdlg 12M10plic dark violet plicata, petite blooms, 4-5 buds per stalk (All That Magic x Poppity) x sib This has been a reliable rebloomer here in Salem, OR, zone 8...

  • Marsh Mist
    $7.00 Marsh Mist
    (Keith Keppel, 2016) Sdlg. 11-18A. IB, 21" (53 cm), EMS. oyster white (M&P 10-B-1) to light green-yellow (10-E-1); style arms light green-yellow, lavender lip; F. light green-yellow (10-D-1) overlaid chartreuse yellow...

  • Orange Peel
    $10.00 Orange Peel
    (Keith Keppel, 2022) Sdlg. 15-168A. SDB, 16" (41 cm), ML. S. apricot orange to golden glow; style arms florida gold; F. ta ming to golden yellow; beards poppy. Arson X Dalriada

  • Reboot
    $6.00 Reboot
    (Robin Shadlow 2017) SDB  12”  M & RE.  In some ways Reboot is more of a repeat bloomer than a rebloomer.  We first noticed its tendencies in June here.  Its not that particular though as...

  • Sharp Wit
    $8.00 Sharp Wit
    (Keith Keppel, 2021) Sdlg. 11-3A. SDB, 13" (33 cm), MS. prune purple; style arms romanesque; F. vatican purple wide band, white center; beards pale yellow tipped brown in throat, ends based white with light blue tips. Dark...

  • Starry Starry Sky
    $6.00 Starry Starry Sky
    (Nancy Price, 2009) Sdlg. 03-075C. IB, 25" (64 cm), M S. light blue; F. same, small white spray around beard; beards white tipped yellow in throat. Eramosa Skies X Daughter of Stars Excellent rebloom seen here in Oregon zone...

  • Velvet Echo
    $6.00 Velvet Echo
    (A. & D. Willott 05) Sdlg. W 03-81. SDB, 12" (30 cm), EM & RE  S. deep violet; style arms full violet; F. velvety deep red-violet edged full violet; beards full violet, yellow orange in throat; ruffled; slight...