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  • blooming August 20, 2017 in Oregon
    $10.00 Again and Again
      (Sterling Innerst, '99) Sdlg. Re4619-1. TB, 36" (91 cm), M & REMedium yellow; beards white; slight fragrance.   Renown X Anxious HM 2001   Again and Again will do just that- bloom again and again. ...

  • As Beauty Does
    $15.00 As Beauty Does
    (Robin Shadlow 2022) TB ML-RE 32” Sdlg # 23-11N12re Standards are butterscotch yellow. Falls copper red, lighter in the center. Marigold beards. 7 buds, ruffles increase with higher temperatures. (Keppel seedling...

  • Autumn Wine
    $9.00 Autumn Wine
     (Vincent Christopherson 03) BB, 25", M & RE S. and style arms wine red; F. darker velvety wine red, lighter wine red rim; beards mustard, short upturned white horn. Rock Star X FP2: (Sky Hooks x Momentum)Begins...

  • Beetlejuice
    $6.00 Beetlejuice
    (Paul Black 13) MDB, 7.5 (19 cm), E-M & RE S. pale buff-pink, mid red-violet plicata stitched edge, random dotting over center, dark purple-black midrib; style arms red-grape crest and midrib, light rose edge; F...

  • Black Olive
    $6.00 Black Olive
    (Paul Black 13)  MDB, 7.5 (19 cm), L & RE S. bronze-dark-purple, purple-black midrib and textured veins; style arms mid blue-purple crests and midribs, rose-silver edge; F. red-black, hafts slightly lighter, veined...

  • Cold Hands Warm Heart
    $6.00 Cold Hands Warm Heart
    (Mary Lou Swann-Young, 2017) Sdlg. 10-508 ARE BMXFB. IB, 18"-20" (46-51 cm), E-L & RES. white; style arms same, base yellow; F. white, light yellow at hafts; beards tangerine, outer half medium blue. Bonus Mama X...

  • Cornhusker
    $9.00 Cornhusker
     (Timothy Stanek 05) Sdlg. 9888. TB, 37" (94 cm), EML & RE S. canary yellow (RHS 9B), midrib green; style arms and F. aureolin yellow (12A); beards solid indian yellow (17A); ruffled; slight musky fragrance. Pure as...

  • Emma's Laughter
    $9.00 Emma's Laughter
    (George Poole 08)  TB, 33", VE S. and style arms cool white tinted cool blue at base; F. same, very faint haft marks, overlap at hafts; beards blue white tipped yellow in throat; pleated ruffling; slight sweet...

  • Forever Orange
    $7.00 Forever Orange
    (Richard Tasco, 2018) Sdlg. 13-SDB-03-37-RE, SDB, 15" (38 cm), M & RE. S. nasturtium orange (RHS 25D), slightly lighter than falls; style arms cream, aureolin yellow (12A) edge, crests, and rim; F. nasturtium orange;...

  • Joy Returns
    $12.00 Joy Returns
    (Robin Shadlow 2016)  Sdlg no. 19-11N4  EM & re 28" S. Lighter blue violet standards with a distinct white center, F. light blue violet with white luminata  (Keppel seedling 04-101A x Clarence) This is our...

  • July Yellow
    $9.00 July Yellow
    (Keith Chadwick/Elmer Warner 01) TB, 30" (76 cm), EM & RELight yellow; style arms light yellow, cream stripe; beards orange, white at end; slight fragrance. Parentage unknownThis can rebloom --- a lot.  It bloomed...

  • Keep Going
    $9.00 Keep Going
    (Paul Black, 2017) Sdlg. U75AR. BB, 26" (66 cm), E-M & RE. S. white, tinted pale lilac on edge; style arms white; F. white around beards, veined light red-violet blending to washed light red-violet to dark red-purple...

  • Little Stitches
    $6.00 Little Stitches
    (Robin Shadlow 2016) SDB  12"  M & RE  sdlg 12M10plic dark violet plicata, petite blooms, 4-5 buds per stalk (All That Magic x Poppity) x sib This has been a reliable rebloomer here in Salem, OR, zone 8...

  • Reboot
    $6.00 Reboot
    (Robin Shadlow 2017) SDB  12”  M & RE.  In some ways Reboot is more of a repeat bloomer than a rebloomer.  We first noticed its tendencies in June here.  Its not that particular though as...

  • Repetition
    $9.00 Repetition
    (Walter Moores, 2013) Sdlg. 08-30-a. TB, 34" (86 cm), E & RE S. dark lavender, wine infusion; style arms dark lavender, cream edges; F. red-wine with tan blending on shoulders, lighter edge; beards bronze in throat and...

  • photo courtesy of Keith Keppel
    $15.00 Royalty Remembered
    (Keith Keppel 2017) Sdlg 09-75C. TB, 36", EM & RE.  This lovely iris proves that rebloomers can have wide ruffled form.  There are plenty of buds on strong stalks.  Regal and rich concord, it will be more...

  • Starry Starry Sky
    $6.00 Starry Starry Sky
    (Nancy Price, 2009) Sdlg. 03-075C. IB, 25" (64 cm), M S. light blue; F. same, small white spray around beard; beards white tipped yellow in throat. Eramosa Skies X Daughter of Stars Excellent rebloom seen here in Oregon zone...

  • Velvet Echo
    $6.00 Velvet Echo
    (A. & D. Willott 05) Sdlg. W 03-81. SDB, 12" (30 cm), EM & RE  S. deep violet; style arms full violet; F. velvety deep red-violet edged full violet; beards full violet, yellow orange in throat; ruffled; slight...