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Tall Bearded Irises

  • Beth's Blush
    $22.00 Beth's Blush
    (Robin Shadlow 2023) Sdlg. 64-18-1, TB, 34”, EM. Standards and style arms blush pink; Falls cream with ¾” wide blush pink rim, blush pink at hafts; beards blush pink at throat, blending to cream ends...

  • Central Intelligence
    $20.00 Central Intelligence
    (Keith Keppel, 2022) Sdlg. 13-6-B, TB, 40" (102 cm), EML. S. cool white ground, completely overlaid greyed blue fine dotting and wash, ¼˝ to ¹⁄₁₆˝ pale green-tan yellow marginal suffusion; style arms crest...

  • Cherries And Cream
    $18.00 Cherries And Cream
    (Barry Blyth, 2020) Sdlg. Y48-2. TB, 34" (86 cm), E-M-L S. cream, heavy yellow infusion extending ¾ up midribs; F. rich plush burgundy, ³⁄₁₆˝ defined soft lilac edge; beards bronze over purple. Restart My...

  • Dark Universe
    $20.00 Dark Universe
    (Keith Keppel, 2019) Sdlg. 05-69C. TB, 35" (89 cm), E. S. concord (M&P 45-K-12), very faint paler venation toward edge, ¹⁄₁₆˝ blue-white edge; style arms blue-white to wisteria violet (41-E-8); F. velvety...

  • Esmeralda's Bangles
    $18.00 Esmeralda's Bangles
    (Robin Shadlow, 2021) 28-14A 42” EM S. and style arms marigold, F. lavender with center stripe of lavender down center, banded with narrow oranged-plum and 1/8” butterscotch rim. 1” oranged-plum signal,...

  • Flatlander
    $18.00 Flatlander
    (Keith Keppel, 2022) Sdlg. 12-80A. TB, 37" (94 cm), M. S. blue-white; style arms same, light lavender midrib; F. large light pansy elongated center blot shading outward to light wistaria to blue-white at edge, horizontal;...

  • Gem Trader
    $18.00 Gem Trader
    (Barry Blyth, 2019) Sdlg. Y63-2. TB, 35" (89 cm), E-M. S. soft lilac, ¼˝ edge of blended buff-pink and infusion at midrib giving a lilac effect; F. light burgundy lightening towards beards, ¼˝ edge of muted...

  • Grand Noble
    $18.00 Grand Noble
    (Keith Keppel, 2022 Sdlg. 12-50B. TB, 40" (102 cm), EM. S. and style arms crest petunia purple; F. brighter, toga to vatican purple, upper hafts shaded spanish raisin; beards golden yellow over white base in throat, middle...

  • High Achiever
    $20.00 High Achiever
    (Keith Keppel, 2022) Sdlg. 15-131A. TB, 40" (102 cm), ML. S. polar bear, flushed pale pink; style arms polar bear, lavender midrib; F. near wistaria violet, peach buff suffusion on hafts beside beard; beards coral red,...

  • If You Come Softly
    $20.00 If You Come Softly
    (Robin Shadlow 2022) TB ML, 38” Sdlg# 02-15-2 Standards are soft orange, falls lighter orange, especially in the center. Shoulders are darker orange. Orange beards. Good stalks carry 7-10 buds. Larger, well ruffled...

  • Immaculate Heart
    $20.00 Immaculate Heart
    (Keith Keppel, 2022) Sdlg. 13-32B. TB, 40" (102 cm), ML. S. oyster white, center overlaid rosy violet, claw lemon; style arms oyster, flushed lemon; F. purple, faint paler veining, very narrow oyster edge, large white heart,...

  • Lady Raven
    $25.00 Lady Raven
    (Robin Shadlow 2023) Sdlg. 01-14A, TB, 38”, L. Standards and style arms very saturated dark violet-black; Falls black; beards dark violet black. Purple leaf base. Raven Girl X Midnight Passion Good stalks, tall and...

  • Miss Independent
    $25.00 Miss Independent
    (Robin Shadlow 2023) Sdlg. 166-12-3, TB, 35”, ML. Plicata, standards have violet stippling over a cream ground, with ½” light lemon rim, style arms light lemon, wine at midrib; Falls narrowly rimmed...

  • Mystery Man
    $25.00 Mystery Man
    (Keith Keppel, 2023) Sdlg. 09-88E, TB, 40" (102 cm), EM. S. perilla purple (M&P 47-J-3), blended coronation (46-L-8); style arms purple (47-L-7), wings pyrethrum yellow (11-L-2); F. dark purple (48-L-10) at edge, velvety...

  • Netizen
    $20.00 Netizen
    (Keith Keppel, 2022) Sdlg. 14-12D. TB, 40" (102 cm), EM. S. violet near-solid center, cream remainder; style arms warm white, lavender midrib flush; F. violet, veined white to cream, narrow cream edge, hafts soft apricot,...

  • One Man's Art
    $18.00 One Man's Art
    (Barry Blyth, 2019) Sdlg. Y58-1. TB, 35" (89 cm), E-M. S. creamy beige; F. dusky rose with yellow overlay around beards, noticeable ¼˝ beige edge; beards burnt tango; slight fragrance. W72-4: (Hello Beautiful x...

  • Plum Loco
    $18.00 Plum Loco
    (Keith Keppel, 2021) Sdlg. 13-18B. TB, 38" (97 cm), EMS. burgundy shading to brown at edge; style arm crests warm brown, wings hazel brown; F. warm white to cream, solid ⁵⁄₈˝ edge of black-burgundy; beards orange peel...

  • Reckless Child
    $20.00 Reckless Child
    Reckless Child has been extremely popular this season.  Limit one per customer please (Keith Keppel, 2019) Sdlg. 11-85A. TB, 34" (86 cm), M. S. blue-white (M&P 41-A-1/2) aging white, ¹⁄₁₆˝ tan gilt rim,...

  • Shifting Gears
    $25.00 Shifting Gears
    (Keith Keppel, 2023) Sdlg. 13-11A, TB, 36" (91 cm), EM. S. chrome lemon (M&P 9-KL-2); style arms chrome lemon (9-KL-3); F. pale lavender (42-B-4) center ground, progressively heavier and darker striated overlay blended...

  • Showmanship
    $18.00 Showmanship
    (Keith Keppel, 2021) Sdlg. 12-44H. TB, 40" (102 cm), MLS. peach-pink, lightly flushed mauve toward center and base; style arms same, lavender midrib flush; F. light hortense violet below beard blending to greyed lilac,...

  • Split Ticket
    $18.00 Split Ticket
    (Keith Keppel, 2021) Sdlg. 10-82B. TB, 37" (94 cm), M-LS. cool white; style ams same, lavender flush on midrib and base of crest; F. darker than canterbury, ¼˝ wisteria violet edge, some white haft reticulation; beard...

  • Stormscape
    $20.00 Stormscape
    (Keith Keppel, 2022) Sdlg. 13-69A. TB, 36" (91 cm), M. S. nutmeg, center amethyst extending as faint veining toward edge; style arms golden wheat crests, wings apricot; F. wild honey, lighter toward center; beards...

  • Underlined
    $20.00 Underlined
    (Keith Keppel, 2022) Sdlg. 14-45B. TB, 35" (89 cm), M. S. martius yellow; style arms martius yellow crests, heavily streaked bistre green; F. light martius yellow, lightening to cream in center, ¼˝ sharp eggplant...

  • Unstained
    $25.00 Unstained
    (Keith Keppel, 2023) Sdlg. 13-38A, TB, 32" (81 cm), M. S. and style arms pure white (M&P 9-A-1); F. same, faint green-white suffusion near beard; beards innermost throat chrome yellow (9-L-7), white with light lemon tips...

  • Well-To-Do
    $20.00 Well-To-Do
    (Keith Keppel, 2022) Sdlg. 13-66E. TB, 38" (97 cm), M. S. bistre green, center flushed greyed mauve; style arms aureolin; F. aureolin, small ¼˝ paler spot at end of beard; beards florida gold. Idle Rich X Mood...

  • Western Outlaw
    $20.00 Western Outlaw
    (Keith Keppel, 2022) Sdlg. 13-17B. TB, 35" (89 cm), EM. S. golden tan to bronze brown; style arms brass; F. white ground below beard changing to lemon yellow, border darker than port wine solid then raying into yellow...

  • Woman's Love
    $20.00 Woman's Love
    (Barry Blyth, 2019) Sdlg. X131-6. TB, 36" (91 cm), M-ML. S. soft pink; F. pastel magenta deepening towards edge, more creamy towards beards; ruffled to light lace; beards tangerine over white. Magical X Ghio 05-22-02:...